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Today’s post is about chairs that have won awards, and some others which, perhaps, ought to have won, too!

The first on my list is the “Rag Edition” by Swedish designer, Maria Westerberg. Made out of t-shirt rags wrapped around a metal frame, it won the Green Furniture Award, 2011. I’m amazed by how this chair seems to defy the forces of gravity. However, all your doubts will be assuaged if you one see the photographs on Maria Westerberg’s website where she performs all sorts of balancing acts with the chair!

I absolutely love this one. It’s called the “Bambi Chair”, and was the recipient of the W.H Designers of the Future Award, 2011. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this chair has just two legs. It has four, alright, two that are hidden in this photograph. Click on the photograph below to see it from different angles. The designer, Takeshi Sawasa, took inspiration from fawns to design this chair, and so the name, Bambi. Don’t see the fawn? Well, it’s a bit far-fetched, but this funny photograph should probably help you see it from the designer’s eyes. 


Smocking is an embroidery technique that I only remember seeing on pretty frocks that my mother used to buy for me when I was little! These chairs are high maintenance, without a doubt, but completely worth it!ImageThe “Paper Chair”, by designers Peter Plantan and Nusa Zupanc from Slovenia, won the AWR Award for Eco Design, 2012. They’re claimed to be made out of 100% recycled material, including – believe it or not – expired flour! Pretty amazing, huh?Image

This is another chair that I’ve become terribly fond of. It looks like an industrial chair from some angles, and then again, I could imagine it fitting beautifully into any home with light wood furniture.

ImageI’ve been obsessing over these chairs and a many more for a while now. At the rate I’m going I fear that my home will, one day, be filled with discordant chairs of different shapes, sizes and designs!